Geneanet is a French genealogy site that launched DNA features back in February 2020. Users can upload their raw DNA to the Geneanet database and find matches. This service is available free of charge. Advantages of doing this include access to trees, as well as the ability to see which chromosomes you match people on.
Just recently, Geneanet launched some enhancements to their DNA service. The one that caught my eye is the ability to download a CSV file of all your matching segments. You can do this via the link ‘Export this data into CSV file format’ at the bottom of the match list.

The link appears on every page of the match list, but the data downloaded is always the same: all segments for everyone in the Geneanet database who matches the person whose list it is.
Uploading a Geneanet segment file
I’m pleased to announce that you can now import this file into DNA painter and view all your Geneanet match segments at once:
- Go into any chromosome map at DNA Painter
- Click on the settings cog above chromosome 1
- Click ‘Import segment data’
- Select your file (downloaded via the ‘Export this data into CSV file format’ link above)
- Click ‘Import this file’

I hope you find this helpful. Inevitably many of the matches you find at Geneanet will also be at other sites (such as Gedmatch, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA). But I expect there will be some “fresh” segment data. For example, some users may only have tested at Ancestry and uploaded to Geneanet. My only disappointment so far is my father’s lack of matching segments on the X chromosome!
The imported segments will all be ‘unknown or both’ in the first instance, but I have a tool that I hope to release later this month that will make categorising your matches easier; watch this space!
Please note that importing segment data is a subscriber-only feature. You can get $5 off a subscription by signing up to my monthly mailing list.
Several other genealogy sites have the capability to download segments, and you can get an overview of how this works at each site on the page How do you use the import function?
As always, all feedback is welcome.
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