As part of your ongoing DNA work, you might sometimes like to merge chromosome maps together or use data from one map in another. In this post I recap on the different ways you can duplicate and copy data between chromosome maps.

As part of your ongoing DNA work, you might sometimes like to merge chromosome maps together or use data from one map in another. In this post I recap on the different ways you can duplicate and copy data between chromosome maps.
As announced last month in the newsletter, the new distinct segment generator tool allows you to amalgamate a set of segments that more than one family member shares with a specific match. The tool will then output just the distinct segments, with the centimorgans (cMs) recalculated.
Launched in late 2020, the inferred segments generator helps users calculate the segments they can infer from the DNA their close relatives share with others. This can be a confusing concept. I recently added a small additional feature to the tool that can help you infer segments from a grandparent.
An interesting DNA match to my mother-in-law Lynn* and her maternal aunt (Ann) appeared this week. In this article I’ll review how I interpreted their match with Tom alongside methods for interpreting inferred segments when working with a full aunt: What can I infer about Lynn’s DNA from the segments her aunt Ann shares with
I’ve just released a new homepage with a succinct summary of what you can do at DNA Painter. In addition to this, I’m presenting this new page answering some of the questions that come up again and again.
I finally DNA-tested my children and got the results recently. This has been fascinating and I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it in the coming months. While working to interpret their tests, I’ve created the common segment generator.
I’m pleased to present some recent DNA Painter updates. I hope these small tweaks enhance your experience on the site.
This post outlines how I recently evaluated shared segments when investigating a new DNA match. I also considered the conclusions I can draw by comparing the new match with other close relatives who have tested.
I have worked with computers almost every day since I started working in 1995. I’m aware that this isn’t the case for everyone, and that I inevitably have a tendency to gloss over certain technical details when explaining DNA Painter to people. This article is an attempt to correct this, with a guide to every step involved in mapping a match onto your chromosome map.
In this follow-up article I discuss inferred chromosome mapping in more detail, also introducing a new tool I’ve created to make the process easier.